The Phantom City: A Doc Savage Adventure (Doc Savage #10) Read online

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  Title: The Phantom City

  Author: Robeson, Kenneth [Dent, Lester Bernard (1904-1959)]

  Date of first publication: December 1933 [Doc Savage Magazine]

  Edition used as base for this ebook: Toronto: Bantam Books of Canada, March 1966

  Date first posted: 25 August, 2013

  Date last updated: 17 October, 2014

  Faded Page eBook #201410F9

  This eBook was produced by Al Haines




  Chapter I


  New York is a city of many races. All nationalities are seen on her streets.

  Hence, four brown-skinned men walking down Fifth Avenue attracted no unusual notice. They wore business suits, neat and new, but not gaudy. This helped them to escape attention.

  They kept in a tight cluster. Their eyes prowled alertly. They were nervous. But strangers from far places, overawed by first sight of Manhattan's cloud-puncturing skyscrapers and canyon streets, often act thus. Their subdued excitement failed to draw more than casually amused glances from pedestrians.

  Slight smiles aimed at the quartet would have faded to glassy, loose-jawed stares, had their real character become known. The four were as vicious a bevy of throat-slitters as ever sauntered along one of New York's cracks of brick and glass. Gotham's machine-gunning gangsters were babes compared to these four nervous brown men.

  They were on a mission—a mission which, had slightest hint of it reached the police, would have drawn a howling swarm of squad cars.

  The slightly stiff-backed manner in which each man walked was due to a long, flat sword in a sheath strapped tightly against his spine. Thin, spike-snouted automatics were concealed expertly in their clothing.

  Within the past hour, the tip of each blade and the lead nose of each bullet had been pressed ceremoniously into a piece of raw meat. The chunk of red meat was one into which a highly venomous serpent had been goaded to sink its fangs repeatedly, loading it with poison.

  On other occasions, these men had proved that a scratch from weapons treated thus was sufficient to cause nearly instant death.

  It was night. Clouds scraped spongy gray flanks against the sharp tops of the tall buildings. Flashing signs on Broadway splashed pale, colored luminance against the wadded vapor. A thin gum of moisture covered streets and sidewalks. It had rained at sundown, an hour before.

  The four men turned into a side street, reached a darkened doorway, and stopped before it. The entry was shabby; its frame was scratched and grooved where heavy merchandise had been taken in and out. A large packing box, obviously empty, stood in the gloom.

  Out of the big box came a voice.

  "Qawam, bilajal!" it growled. "Make haste! Conceal yourselves in this place! Our quarry may soon appear!"

  The quartet started for the box, evidently with the idea of wedging themselves into it.

  "Not here, sons of dumb camels!" gritted the man in the box. "The doorway will be shelter enough! It is best that I remain hidden here throughout, not appearing at any time. Do not, by your glances or actions, betray my presence. Anta sami? Do you hear?"

  In guttural Arabic, the four muttered that they understood. They arranged themselves in the murk.

  Reaching under their coat tails, they produced their long swords. The sheaths were tight enough to hold the weapons in place, and they could be drawn downward in handy fashion.

  "Fools!" their chief hissed from the box. "Replace those! There is to be no killing until we have the information we desire!"

  Back into the spine scabbards went the blades, each man being careful not to prick himself with the deadly tip of his weapon.

  "He is coming soon?" one man asked in Arabic.

  "At any minute," replied the man, remaining unseen in the box. "Watch the street to the left, my sons."

  "How will we know him?"

  "He is a big man. Wallah! He is the biggest man you ever saw! And his body is of a color and seeming hardness of a metal—bronze. A giant man of bronze!"

  The four peered down the street, then drew back.

  "It is a dark street and full of bad smells," a man muttered. "You are sure he will come this way?"

  "Directly across the street is a great steel door. See you it?"

  "Na'am, aiwah! Yes!"

  "Beyond that door is a garage where this bronze man keeps many cars. In this street one is permitted to drive in only a single direction. Therefore, he will come from the left."

  The four men peered at the giant steel doors across the thoroughfare. For the first time, they noted the towering size of the building above it. The structure was of shiny metal and expertly fitted gray masonry. It shot upward nearly a hundred stories.

  "The bronze man lives there?"

  "On the eighty-sixth floor," said the voice in the box.

  "Wallah! This fellow must have great wealth to live in a place like that!"

  "He is a strange man, this bronze one! He is a being of mystery, one about whom many fantastic tales are told. His name is familiar to every one in the city. The newspapers carry feature stories about him. Yet he is almost a legend, for he does not show himself to the public, and does not seek publicity."

  "But he has that which we want?"

  "He has. We have but to find where it is kept. That is your job."

  Squatting like four brown owls, the quartet kept unwinking eyes fixed to the left, down the somber street.

  "Have you found aught of the escaped white-haired girl?" asked the man in the packing case.

  "No trace, O master. But our comrades search everywhere!"

  "Taiyib malih! Very well! She must be caught and brought back to my yacht!"

  "It is well none in this city can understand the language she speaks," a man said thoughtfully. "Only you, O enlightened one, can converse with her. And it took you, even with your learning, many days to master a few words of her tongue."

  "Watch the street!" snapped the hidden man. "Draw your guns! But use them only to produce fright!"

  One fellow muttered: "The girl should be slain——"

  "Fool! We may need her to guide us to this Phantom City! We keep her alive and unharmed. Understand that if something happens to a hair of her white head, Allah help the man responsible!"

  The four squatting men drifted uneasy glances at the box, as if it held a dangerous monster. They feared this master of theirs.

  "The bronze man whose arrival we await—is he the only one we have crossed the ocean to see?" one fellow mumbled.

  "He is the one," said the voice in the box. "He is Doc Savage!"

  Two blocks distant, a limousine cruised to a street intersection and turned left. The car was long, expensive, somber in color. There was nothing flashy about it. The windows were up.

  The traffic cop on the corner glanced at the lic
ense tags. He snapped erect. In New York, low license numerals designate the cars of the influential—this one was a single figure. The officer squinted to see who was in the machine. He smiled widely and executed a brisk salute.

  Several pedestrians who chanced to gaze at the car fell to staring, jaws slack. Each of them recognized instantly the limousine occupant.

  At the next corner, a fat man stepped back to the curb to let the big machine pass. He got a good look at the man behind the wheel. He nearly dropped a bundle he was carrying.

  "For the love of mud!" he breathed.

  An enterprising newsboy, witnessing the incident, rushed up and offered the portly man a newspaper.

  "Wanta read about that guy mister?" he asked eagerly. "Buy an Evening Comet! It's got a feature story about him! Tells how he just cleaned up a gang that was terrorizing a manufacturing town!"

  "Who is he?"

  The newscarrier looked disgusted. "Mister, I thought everybody knowed that man! Why, he went into this manufacturing town of Prosper City with his five helpers, and mopped up an outfit that had murdered no tellin' how many people! He does them kind of things regular! Helpin' people who need it, and punishin' wrongdoers is his profession!"

  The stout man blinked. "Was that Doc Savage?"

  "You said it!"

  The limousine rolled on two blocks, and turned into the gloomy side street which led past the giant spire of gleaming metal and gray stone which housed Doc Savage's quarters. It neared the recess where the brown men lurked.

  "Ta'al!" grunted one of the swarthy quartet. "Come along!"

  The four leaped into the street, spread fan fashion, and rushed. They flourished their long-barreled automatics.

  "Wallah!" hissed one. "Truly, this man is of amazing appearance!"

  A faint glow from the dash was sufficient to disclose the man at the limousine wheel—the only occupant of the car. The features of this individual were striking—so remarkable that it was very apparent why, a few seconds ago, the fat man had been awed by his single glimpse.

  The figure behind the wheel was that of a giant sculptured from solid bronze. In the metallic man's neck, in the great hands on the wheel, huge sinews stood out in repose like bundled cables.

  The bronze of the hair was a shade darker than the bronze of the skin. The hair lay straight and smooth, like a metallic skullcap. The unusually high forehead, the lean, corded cheeks, the muscular mouth, advertised a rare power of character.

  Most striking were the eyes—like pools of flake gold glistening in the vague light. Their gaze seemed to have a hypnotic quality, an intensity almost weird.

  "Get your hands up!" gritted one of the Arabs in fair English.

  Doc Savage studied the four. His bronze features did not change expression; the quartet might have been putting on some kind of a show, for all the excitement he showed. His hands remained on the wheel.

  The body of the limousine was armorplate steel, although the fact was not evident to the casual glance. The windows were an inch thick, of the latest bullet-proof glass; it would take a steel slug from a tank rifle to get through them.

  He spoke in a low voice, not moving his lips. His words were distinct.

  "Four men!" he said. "They look like Arabs. They popped out of a doorway with pistols."

  The dark gunman quartet saw no lip movement indicating speech. They heard no words. The limousine was soundproofed against normal noises.

  "Anta sami'!" rapped the spokesman. "Do you hear? Get your hands up!"

  Doc continued, still without moving his lips. "These fellows are strangers. Think I'll play along, and see what's on their minds. You men can cover us, if you crave a little action."

  Once more the Arabs failed to realize words had been spoken. Had they heard, they would have been puzzled at the brief descriptive speech. It was unlikely that they would have understood its purpose.

  Reaching over slowly, Doc unlocked the door. He started to get out.

  "La!" grunted one of the men. "No! Stay where you are!"

  The fellow eased into the front seat, gun alert. The other three clambered in the back.

  They did not notice the bullet-proof glass or the armor plate, and did not guess the bronze man's surrender was deliberate. They were jubilant.

  "Talk freely, and you will not be harmed!" one advised.

  "Shu biddak?" Doc asked in excellent Arabic. "What do you want?"

  The four looked somewhat surprised.

  "So you speak our tongue!" one muttered.

  "Slightly," Doc admitted. He used the dialect peculiar to the part of Arabia from which these men hailed—the southern coast. He neglected to add that he had a fluent command of dialects from almost all other sectors of their native land.

  This business about the language was the first contact the four had with the bronze man's remarkable knowledge. This giant, metallic man was something of a mental marvel. The fact that he could converse fluently in the tongue of nearly any race on the globe, was only one of his fantastic accomplishments.

  "You have a submarine," said one of the Arabs. "A submarine with which you once went under the ice of the north pole!"

  "That is right," Doc admitted in Arabic.

  The brown man reached under his coat tail, squirmed, and drew his flat sword. He indicated the poison on the tip.

  "We want that submarine!" he declared. He put the sword point against Doc's chest. The steel slit a few threads of the bronze man's coat fabric. "You will take us to it!"

  Chapter II


  Doc studied the sword. The edge was thin, hollow ground like a razor. Back of the cutting edge were grooves resembling the corrugations in a file. These held the poison.

  "What do you want with the submarine?" he asked.

  "That, bronze man, is our affair!"

  Doc had expected some such answer. "If I refuse to take you to it, what then?"

  The man tapped the sword. "This! You will die suddenly!"

  "That does not leave me much choice," Doc said dryly. "Shall I drive you to the boathouse? It is not far."

  "We will walk, saiyid! We do not know the city, and you might drive us to a station of the police."

  They got out of the limousine. One man slapped hands over Doc's clothing, fingering pocket contents through the cloth. When he found nothing large enough to be a weapon, he seemed satisfied.

  "Imshi!" he grunted. "Go on!"

  They strode westward toward the Hudson River water front, setting a leisurely pace which would not attract attention.

  In the gloomy street where the holdup had occurred, there was at no time a sign of the man who had given the Arabs their orders—the chap hidden in the box. He had kept under cover.

  They walked through a section of garment shops, the streets almost deserted. The way sloped downward. The asphalt had been rutted by wheels of heavy trucks, and rain residue lay like pools of molten lead in the chug-holes.

  Body smells of the four Arabs reeked faintly. They were in need of a bath. Here, where the way was darker, the shabby streets empty of life, they kept their long-barreled pistols in hand.

  "Wallah!" hissed one of the four. "Is it much farther?"

  "Not much." Doc pointed. "There!" A row of covered piers was before them. The buildings might have been gigantic match boxes, with slightly arched tops. Here and there was a wharf which was not covered.

  Down the wide water-front street, a sign on the front of a pier warehouse read:


  Perhaps two hundred feet nearer was an uncovered pier crowded with crates, moving cranes, and tool sheds.

  Doc made directly for this pier. They entered the litter of boxes and machinery, worked outward through an alley between high stacks of oil drums. The floor planks were very greasy, oil-soaked.

  It was very dark. The men found it impossible to see each other. Two guns were kept pressed to Doc's back.

  Quickening his pace slightly, Doc drew away from the m

  "Imshi 'ala mah!" gritted a man. "Go more slowly!"

  An instant later, the guns again shoved against cloth.

  "Go on!" grunted an Arab, when there was no movement.

  No answer.

  The man cursed, dug a match out, and whipped it alight on his trousers.

  "Wallah!" he wailed.

  Instead of Doc's back, their guns were gouging a burlap-covered bale of rope.

  The four brown men cackled Arabic profanity in chorus.

  "Son of a dumb camel!" snarled one who had brought up the rear. "You let him trick you! He slipped away in the darkness! There is no submarine here—e-e-o-oww!"

  His words turned into the squawl of a cat with its tail under a chair rocker.

  There had been no perceptible sound, but bronze hands had suddenly trapped the speaker's elbows from behind. The Arab's yell rose to a piping bleat of agony; he felt as if he had lost his arms at the elbows. Pain caused his hands to splay open. His gun bounced across the oil-saturated wharf planks.

  He felt a terrific wrench at his back. Cloth tore; leather straps snapped. The poisoned sword came away from his spine, sheath and all.

  The man was lifted, hurled forward. He was not flung head first, but sidewise. He struck two of his companions. All three piled against the baled rope.

  The swarthy fellow with the match jumped aside. The movement extinguished his match. He flourished his pistol, but did not shoot. He was not too excited to realize the shot sound would draw the police. Wildly, he clutched for his sword.

  Great steel jaws seemed to clamp his ankles. He was lifted as lightly as if he had been a rabbit. He swung head downward. His whole body was carried up and down with a tamping motion, causing his head to bang the solid planks. He became limp as a punctured inner tube.

  The trio piled against the rope bale untangled themselves and sought to arise. Then the blackness above them seemed to rain huge bronze fists. Metallic fingers touched various parts of their persons, seeking nerve centers, leaving numb paralysis and excruciating hurt.

  "Mercy of Allah!" a man croaked. "He is not human!"

  The three found themselves without pistols. With rippings and snappings, the swords were torn from place. The weapons sailed away to drop into the near-by river.